Il Diario di Diletta 11 The Italian nouns (part two - 1)

In this text we look some Italian feminine nouns that finish in -E at singular and in -I at plural: discussioni, azione, direzione, informazioni.  
Discussione, discussioni
Azione, azioni
Direzione, direzioni
Informazione, informazioni
These are nouns that finish in "-SIONE" and in "-ZIONE".
Now we look very well this topic, because it's very important.
Now we look another examples in this picture.

 We could create a rule:

"every noun that finishes with "zione" are feminine"

These nouns are abstract.

informazione, informazioni (information)

istruzione, istruzioni (instruction)

azione, azioni (action)

soluzione, soluzioni (solution)

direzione, direzioni (direction)

lezione, lezioni (lesson)

condizione, condizioni (condition) 


The nouns of this picture also are feminine and abstract.

decisione, decisioni (decision)
professione, professioni (profession)
divisione, divisioni (division)
diffusione, diffusioni (diffusion)
occasione, occasioni (occasion)
discussione, discussioni (discussion)
mansione, mansioni (job) 

We could create another rule:

"every noun that finishes with "sione" are feminine"



We translate:
According Valerio I have to discuss with Peter anymore, but I have to talk to the boss and ask for a transfer to another office. My action must be immediate. Management must know what is happening. The boss has to receive all the information.


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The Italian Word: Il Diario di Diletta 11 The Italian nouns (part two - 1)

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Il Diario di Diletta 11 The Italian nouns (part two - 1)

In this text we look some Italian feminine nouns that finish in -E at singular and in -I at plural: discussioni, azione, direzione, informazioni.  
Discussione, discussioni
Azione, azioni
Direzione, direzioni
Informazione, informazioni
These are nouns that finish in "-SIONE" and in "-ZIONE".
Now we look very well this topic, because it's very important.
Now we look another examples in this picture.

 We could create a rule:

"every noun that finishes with "zione" are feminine"

These nouns are abstract.

informazione, informazioni (information)

istruzione, istruzioni (instruction)

azione, azioni (action)

soluzione, soluzioni (solution)

direzione, direzioni (direction)

lezione, lezioni (lesson)

condizione, condizioni (condition) 


The nouns of this picture also are feminine and abstract.

decisione, decisioni (decision)
professione, professioni (profession)
divisione, divisioni (division)
diffusione, diffusioni (diffusion)
occasione, occasioni (occasion)
discussione, discussioni (discussion)
mansione, mansioni (job) 

We could create another rule:

"every noun that finishes with "sione" are feminine"



We translate:
According Valerio I have to discuss with Peter anymore, but I have to talk to the boss and ask for a transfer to another office. My action must be immediate. Management must know what is happening. The boss has to receive all the information.


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