One of the most important things in the Italian language is the right choice of the article and the adjective for a noun. This is very important to learn Italian. You could know many grammatical rules, you could speak Italian well, but I could make this kind of mistake: to get wrong the union of noun, article, adjective.
It's necessary to memorize
and remember some steps.
Step 1
Learn the gender and the number of the nouns
MARE is masculine singular
LUCE is feminine singular
PANE is masculine singular
ORA is feminine singular
OROLOGIO is masculine singular
PAURA is feminine singular
AMORE is masculine singular
SBAGLIO is masculine singular
SBAGLI is masculine plural
CORAGGIO is masculine singular
AIUTO is masculine singular
GIORNI is masculine plural
FRATELLI is masculine plural
GENITORI is masculine plural
LINEE is feminine plural
MAGLIE is feminine plural
OROLOGI is masculine plural
Step 2
Learn the several kinds of article.
Don't think it is a thing few important!
It is fundamental.
il mare
la luce
il pane
l'ora (la ora)
l'orologio (lo orologio)
la paura
l'amore (lo amore)
lo sbaglio
gli sbagli
il coraggio
l'aiuto (lo aiuto)
i giorni
i fratelli
i genitori
le linee
le maglie
gli orologi
Step 3
Learn the several kinds of adjectives
(4 forms or 2 forms).
il mare calmo
la luce spenta
il pane fresco
l'ora esatta
l'orologio fermo
la paura tremenda
l'amore intenso
lo sbaglio ripetuto
gli sbagli frequenti
il coraggio notevole
l'aiuto prezioso
i giorni scorsi
i fratelli maggiori
i genitori severi
le linee diritte
le maglie nuove
gli orologi funzionanti
In these pictures you could look examples:
Labels: adjective, Article, noun