Thanks and greetings

Let's learn the ways to thank, to answer and to greet in Italian.
The Italian ways to thank are:

Grazie! (Thank you) 
Ti ringrazio. (I thank you) 

The Italian ways to answer are:
Prego! (you're welcome)
Non c'è di che
Figurati! (figùrati)
Di niente
Di nulla 


These are the Italian greeting formulas.

Ciao = hi 
"Ciao" is an informal and friendly greeting. You use this form with your friends, your parents, your relatives. If you are an young person, you'll use this form also when you meet a unknown young person.  

Buongiorno = good morning
"Buongiorno" is used in generally until 3:00 pm.

Buonasera = good evening
"Buonasera" is used in generally until dinner.

Buonanotte = good night
"Buonanotte" is used in generally after dinner.

Arrivederci = goodbye
"Arrivederci" is used in a friendly way.

Addio = farewell
“Addio” is rarely used; it seems a definitive greet, a definitive leaving.

Buona giornata = have a nice day
"Buona giornata" is a wish, not a greeting. In this way I hope you have a good time in the next future.

Buon pomeriggio = have a nice afternoon
"Buon pomeriggio" is a wish, not a greeting. In this way I hope you have a good time in the next future.

Buona serata = have a nice evening
"Buona serata" is a wish, not a greeting. In this way I hope you have a good time in the next future.


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The Italian Word: Thanks and greetings

Monday, 9 May 2016

Thanks and greetings

Let's learn the ways to thank, to answer and to greet in Italian.
The Italian ways to thank are:

Grazie! (Thank you) 
Ti ringrazio. (I thank you) 

The Italian ways to answer are:
Prego! (you're welcome)
Non c'è di che
Figurati! (figùrati)
Di niente
Di nulla 


These are the Italian greeting formulas.

Ciao = hi 
"Ciao" is an informal and friendly greeting. You use this form with your friends, your parents, your relatives. If you are an young person, you'll use this form also when you meet a unknown young person.  

Buongiorno = good morning
"Buongiorno" is used in generally until 3:00 pm.

Buonasera = good evening
"Buonasera" is used in generally until dinner.

Buonanotte = good night
"Buonanotte" is used in generally after dinner.

Arrivederci = goodbye
"Arrivederci" is used in a friendly way.

Addio = farewell
“Addio” is rarely used; it seems a definitive greet, a definitive leaving.

Buona giornata = have a nice day
"Buona giornata" is a wish, not a greeting. In this way I hope you have a good time in the next future.

Buon pomeriggio = have a nice afternoon
"Buon pomeriggio" is a wish, not a greeting. In this way I hope you have a good time in the next future.

Buona serata = have a nice evening
"Buona serata" is a wish, not a greeting. In this way I hope you have a good time in the next future.


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