Il diario di Diletta 1 The present indicative

Hello! Welcome on this blog!

I tell a story. I hope you will like it.
"Il Diario di Diletta" is starting right now; it could help us to learn in a nice way some Italian grammatical rules. 

Diletta will tell her everyday life, her thoughts, her aims, her difficulties, her feelings.

You could listen the reading in a double version: fast and slow.  

Let's translate our text:

Pietro, il mio collega, lavora poco e male, non ascolta mai le mie opinioni, dimentica i miei suggerimenti, mi affida i lavori pesanti.
Peter, my colleague, works little and badly, he never listens to my opinions, he forgets my suggestions, he entrusts the heavy tasks. 

Lui pensa di essere furbo e cerca di approfittare della mia pazienza.
He thinks to be cunning and he tries to take advantage of my patience. 

Tutti mi consigliano di parlare con lui molto chiaramente.
Everybody recommends me to talk to him very clearly.

Cut it out! 

Adesso ho deciso.
Right now I decided. 

No, non continuo più a lavorare così.
I don't continue to work so anymore.

We want to understand this text. 
What do we need to learn?
We have to learn the present indicative of the first coniugation.
In the text we see several verbs:

lavora (lavorare - to work)
ascolta (ascoltare - to listen)
dimentica (dimenticare - to forgot)
affida  (affidare - to entrust)
pensa (pensare - to think)
cerca (cercare - to try)
consigliano (consigliare - to advise)
continuo (continuare - to continue)
and also
approfittare (to take advantage of)
parlare (to talk)

Let's see the conjugation of present indicative of "lavorare"

io lavoro (lavòro)
tu lavori (lavòri)
lui lavora (lavòra)
noi lavoriamo (lavoriàmo)
voi lavorate (lavoràte)
loro lavorano (lavòrano)

When the verb is difficult to pronounce, try to divide in syllables.
Example: lavoriamo = la-vo-ria-mo 

Try to repeat the conjugation of the present indicative of "ascoltare, dimenticare, affidare, pensare, cercare, consigliare, continuare, approfittare, parlare".
It's important to remember better. 

I want you look the sentence "lui pensa di essere furbo". 
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb -PENSARE- before another verb, 
I must use the preposition DI"

Then: "cerca di approfittare della mia pazienza"
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb -CERCARE- before another verb, 
I must use the preposition DI"

Then: "consigliano di parlare" 
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb - CONSIGLIARE- before another verb, 
I must use the preposition DI"

Then: "continuo a lavorare" 
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb - CONTINUARE - before another verb, 
I must use the preposition A"

Do you know the nouns in "E"?
Here we find "opinioni" (opinione (singular), opinioni (plural) - l'opinione, le opinioni - un'opinione - feminine noun).

"Suggerimenti" is a masculine noun (suggerimento, suggerimenti - il suggerimento, i suggerimenti - un suggerimento).

"Incarico" is a masculine noun. Listen the sound: "incàriko". It's a strong sound. For this reason the strong sound is maintained also at plural with "incarichi" (incàriki). The "h" maintains the strong sound.

"Pazienza" is a feminine noun (la pazienza, una pazienza).

We tell soon about Italian nouns. I promise.

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The Italian Word: Il diario di Diletta 1 The present indicative

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Il diario di Diletta 1 The present indicative

Hello! Welcome on this blog!

I tell a story. I hope you will like it.
"Il Diario di Diletta" is starting right now; it could help us to learn in a nice way some Italian grammatical rules. 

Diletta will tell her everyday life, her thoughts, her aims, her difficulties, her feelings.

You could listen the reading in a double version: fast and slow.  

Let's translate our text:

Pietro, il mio collega, lavora poco e male, non ascolta mai le mie opinioni, dimentica i miei suggerimenti, mi affida i lavori pesanti.
Peter, my colleague, works little and badly, he never listens to my opinions, he forgets my suggestions, he entrusts the heavy tasks. 

Lui pensa di essere furbo e cerca di approfittare della mia pazienza.
He thinks to be cunning and he tries to take advantage of my patience. 

Tutti mi consigliano di parlare con lui molto chiaramente.
Everybody recommends me to talk to him very clearly.

Cut it out! 

Adesso ho deciso.
Right now I decided. 

No, non continuo più a lavorare così.
I don't continue to work so anymore.

We want to understand this text. 
What do we need to learn?
We have to learn the present indicative of the first coniugation.
In the text we see several verbs:

lavora (lavorare - to work)
ascolta (ascoltare - to listen)
dimentica (dimenticare - to forgot)
affida  (affidare - to entrust)
pensa (pensare - to think)
cerca (cercare - to try)
consigliano (consigliare - to advise)
continuo (continuare - to continue)
and also
approfittare (to take advantage of)
parlare (to talk)

Let's see the conjugation of present indicative of "lavorare"

io lavoro (lavòro)
tu lavori (lavòri)
lui lavora (lavòra)
noi lavoriamo (lavoriàmo)
voi lavorate (lavoràte)
loro lavorano (lavòrano)

When the verb is difficult to pronounce, try to divide in syllables.
Example: lavoriamo = la-vo-ria-mo 

Try to repeat the conjugation of the present indicative of "ascoltare, dimenticare, affidare, pensare, cercare, consigliare, continuare, approfittare, parlare".
It's important to remember better. 

I want you look the sentence "lui pensa di essere furbo". 
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb -PENSARE- before another verb, 
I must use the preposition DI"

Then: "cerca di approfittare della mia pazienza"
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb -CERCARE- before another verb, 
I must use the preposition DI"

Then: "consigliano di parlare" 
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb - CONSIGLIARE- before another verb, 
I must use the preposition DI"

Then: "continuo a lavorare" 
You have to memorize this rule: 
"when I use the verb - CONTINUARE - before another verb, 
I must use the preposition A"

Do you know the nouns in "E"?
Here we find "opinioni" (opinione (singular), opinioni (plural) - l'opinione, le opinioni - un'opinione - feminine noun).

"Suggerimenti" is a masculine noun (suggerimento, suggerimenti - il suggerimento, i suggerimenti - un suggerimento).

"Incarico" is a masculine noun. Listen the sound: "incàriko". It's a strong sound. For this reason the strong sound is maintained also at plural with "incarichi" (incàriki). The "h" maintains the strong sound.

"Pazienza" is a feminine noun (la pazienza, una pazienza).

We tell soon about Italian nouns. I promise.

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