Il Diario di Diletta 4 The Italian Nouns part one

Let's continue to read and listen.

Diletta thinks of Pietro's behaviours.



We translate our text:

Pietro è una persona veramente insopportabile.

Peter is a really unbearable person. 

Durante il volo ripenso al suo comportamento.

During the flight I recall his behaviour.

Gli insulti sono odiosi.

The insults are odious. 

Le sue parole sono cattive.

His words are bad. 

Il lavoro e la vita privata sono due cose differenti.

Work and private life are two different things. 

Uomini come Pietro sono presuntuosi, poco intelligenti, molto maleducati.

Men like Peter are conceited, unintelligent, very rude. 



In this pictures you look many nouns: persona, volo, comportamento, insulti, parole, lavoro, vita, cose, uomini.

We start to talk about the Italian nouns.  

The Italian NOUNS are feminine (singular and plural) and masculine (singular and plural).

Let's learn the different kinds of nouns!

Look these nouns.


The nouns that finish  

in A at singular 


in E at plural

are feminine.

ora, ore (hour)

via, vie (street)

idea, idee (idea)

sera, sere (evening)  


The nouns that finish 

in O at singular 


 in I at plural,

in generally are masculine

tempo, tempi (time)
numero, numeri (number)
pensiero, pensieri (thought)
giorno, giorni (day) 

  We remember "mano, mani" (hand): feminine.


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The Italian Word: Il Diario di Diletta 4 The Italian Nouns part one

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Il Diario di Diletta 4 The Italian Nouns part one

Let's continue to read and listen.

Diletta thinks of Pietro's behaviours.



We translate our text:

Pietro è una persona veramente insopportabile.

Peter is a really unbearable person. 

Durante il volo ripenso al suo comportamento.

During the flight I recall his behaviour.

Gli insulti sono odiosi.

The insults are odious. 

Le sue parole sono cattive.

His words are bad. 

Il lavoro e la vita privata sono due cose differenti.

Work and private life are two different things. 

Uomini come Pietro sono presuntuosi, poco intelligenti, molto maleducati.

Men like Peter are conceited, unintelligent, very rude. 



In this pictures you look many nouns: persona, volo, comportamento, insulti, parole, lavoro, vita, cose, uomini.

We start to talk about the Italian nouns.  

The Italian NOUNS are feminine (singular and plural) and masculine (singular and plural).

Let's learn the different kinds of nouns!

Look these nouns.


The nouns that finish  

in A at singular 


in E at plural

are feminine.

ora, ore (hour)

via, vie (street)

idea, idee (idea)

sera, sere (evening)  


The nouns that finish 

in O at singular 


 in I at plural,

in generally are masculine

tempo, tempi (time)
numero, numeri (number)
pensiero, pensieri (thought)
giorno, giorni (day) 

  We remember "mano, mani" (hand): feminine.


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